以前からここで何度も紹介している 旅好きな人のためのサイト
couch surfing http://www.couchsurfing.org/
Wow. I’m writing this from the place that I’m being hosted right now, and I am so thankful and completely amazed by Jene’s kindness. This is my very first time staying at a couchsurfing user’s place. I wasn’t sure about this whole thing, especially being a traveling woman, but I was surprised with such wonderful evening with Jene and her daughter, and her sister who was visiting, and some friends who happen to pass by when we were having dinner under the cherry blossom trees. She is a busy lady with work and family, but even then she made the time and effort to host me in the last minute. I feel so lucky and glad that I got meet her! She is one of the most wonderful, kind, considerate, friendly, helpful people I’ve ever met – especially for me to meet her for the first time like this. Wow, couchsurfing! Wow, Jene! I love life because of people like you, Jene.